Since 2008, every day we add new ones to our experience with new investigations and on-site interventions. Our team have a Graduate Degree Master of Science (MSc) thesis about Digital forensic investigation.
Digital Forensic Investigation, Computer Forensic Analysis, Smartphone Forensic Analysis and Reporting Services
Voice record analysis, recorded voice to text writing, voice record sharpening, voice enhancement, voice filtering, voice analysis report
Video analysis, video enhancement, video sharpening, video filtering, criminal video analysis, video forensic analysis report
Computer forensic analysis, internet history analysis, internet frauds, virus analysis, forgotten password finding, password cracking
Whatsapp history, skpye history, mobile phone analysis, phone analysis report, forensic phone analysis, mobile phone data recovery
Raw disk data recovery, harddisk data recovery, image disk recovery, data recovery from mobile phone, flash data recovery
Destruction of data on old computers of companies. Wipe only data of the criminal element in the forensic grounds
Advisory company that will guide companies, individuals and lawyers, Digital Forensic Consultancy
Computer Forensic, weakness analysis, vulnerability scanning, wifi-modem analysis, customer theft, virus analysis, spyware detection
Swore Expert Report to Court, Prosecutorial or Administrative Inquiry about law subjects